The leave granted to an employee after the passing away of his close relative is known as bereavement leave. This leave can be paid or unpaid, depending on the employer’s terms, and falls under time off. This enables employees to grieve for their loss, attend funeral services, and make up arrangements to process the death to save them from the burden of work responsibility. The workers are relieved since it acknowledges that the workers are not just machines but human beings with emotions and interests. Though bereavement generally denotes emotional or mental effects caused by certain unfortunate events in most cases of death, it entitles them to space and time to grieve.
The duration of bereavement leave is another variable that entirely depends on the employer and the relationship maintained by the employee with the deceased person. It must be flexible, maybe even more than other times, because there are different needs from individual to individual in these sorrowful times.
It is very important that organizations write a clear and kind bereavement leave policy. This helps to provide structure as well as support during a time of great need, which will anxiously limit stress and potential confusion.